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Friday, December 26, 2008

Get Your Business Profitable Using Overflow Attraction Marketing

Get Your Business Profitable Using Overflow Attraction Marketing

Are you new to the world of the Internet in general because you are a transitioning corporate manager, new start up business? Well one of the first questions is how will your new or existing customers find you in this big virtual world.

Believe it or not when you ask that question you are so ready for the internet so welcome. What you will find interesting is that many of us have been on the internet for a while and we still are in a learning mode. Hence the recommended process for fast learners is to use a situational process and find clearly marked relationships between retail marketing and internet


Find these parallels because many of you who are new to Internet marketing, the related technology and resources will find its a world of many new acronyms and abbreviations. Just know that all these new terms have parallels or similar meanings in the off line world.

Internet marketing is new and the subject can be quite confusing. What’s recommended is that you find a parallel or related off line relationship that parallels these new on line Internet marketing functions and acronyms as they all have a cousin or similar words and similar terminology.

In the retail or store front world overflow attraction marketing is about getting closely related stores to have their customers overflow into another persons business. People are drawn to each other’s store because they have immediate needs to be solved or future wants to be settled.

Your job is to develop the same working methodology which can be called attraction marketing. You will use the same tools and processes that are used off line just that they become virtual tools. One such tool is keywords. The keywords of course are what people use to find what they want on the internet. Its the equivalent of them walking into the store and asking for a product or service by name.

When doing website promotion

you are considered promoting your entire website. So in addition to keywords you have to enhance your entire website to make sure different types of customers can find you what they needs at that moment.

Keywords, overflow marketing, website promotion are all part of the new world. When it comes to results don't be fooled you still need to make sure you are targeting your specific customer to ensure true profitability.

So consider a strategy used in the off line marketing world. This is where those potential customers who walk down the street to go to another store have been attracted to your retail establishment by a related business in close proximity to your business, via word of mouth, flashy storefront or a recent need that wants to satisfied.

Consider same scenario in the on line Internet marketing world, the attraction marketing concept is the same; just that the equivalent tools used to get that same customer are different with different names. Internet attraction marketing starts with a related Internet marketing term called keywords. These keywords drive similar traffic. They are keywords which drive people with common needs to your Internet website and tell-a-friends forms drive the word of mouth capabilities. An immediate or spontaneous need is just like when they walk down the street, they see something and boom they need it.

Another way to understand internet attraction marketing s using another term some people prefer which is Website Promotion which is specifically geared towards the promotion of your website. Since a website can be many things (social database page, an affiliate website page, a Google AdSense page, a Squidoo lens, etc) to many people we classify all Web Pages as a website requiring promotion. This is important because think of the way you search in the offline world and how folks find find information or data on the web.

1. Some of us find, look and accpet the the first solution we come across and on the internet, we see the supplied search engine results and we never leave the 1st page to look for more businesses. We assume because it is first, it is therefore the best and has most credibility. Not necessarily true but it happens.
Right or wrong consider how profitable you could be if Internet marketing or website promotion strategy enabled your
web site to be first on the block or found near the top of the search results for the keywords used in your industry.

However understand that there are literally thousands of things you can do in the area of Internet attraction marketing to promote and advertise your web site. We proposed that you get started, do some research and save your money. Use free tactics and low cost tactics first to make sure your product has a market.

Greg Burrus